Bake to Base Armature
Animation data from the controller rig will be transferred over to the base armature which can then be exported to other software.
Bake to Animation Armature
Animation data from the base armature will be transferred over to the controller rig, allowing for tweaks or use with other animations.
Baking Operations
Bake Current Action
Bakes the currently active action (visible at the very top of the NLA Editor).
Bake Selected Tracks
Bakes all selected tracks in the NLA editor.
Bake All Unlocked Tracks
Bakes all tracks in the NLA editor, while ignoring locked tracks.
Additive Track Baking is not available with this operation to avoid inconsistent baking results.
Additive Track Baking
Allows other tracks in the NLA editor to affect the final bake result, useful if you want to bake multiple additive animations into a single track.
Merge Track Strips
Merges all strips of a track into a single track. Useful for merging multiple animations into a single action for export.